Tuesday 14 October 2014

Watermelon Improves Eyesight

Watermelon is very beneficial for health. Besides giving cool feeling in summer, the watermelon contains several nutrients.

It has 95% water, but the remaining part contains 95 % of vitamins and minerals which ensure several health benefits. Always eat freshly cut watermelon and don’t drink water one hour after eating watermelon.
The Watermelonor Citrullus lanatus
Wikimedia Commons by Beyond silence

Take half a glass of watermelon juice with water during headache.

In jaundice it helps in the formation and cleaning of blood in the body.

Gives Strength
The seeds of watermelon give strength to the body. The seeds could be kept for a long time by drying them after washing.

Weight loss and Rehydration
Watermelon helps in weight loss. It re-hydrates the body in dehydration and is a natural Viagra.

The vitamin A and C improve the eyesight and strengthens the immune system respectively.

It contains enough water and helps in digestion and does not allow acidity. The minerals in the juice of watermelon improve metabolism and digestion. The intake of watermelon slices with black pepper gives relief in acidity. It is good in indigestion, anemia and loss of appetite.

The juice of watermelon helps in sleeplessness.

The carotinides present in watermelon especially in seeds help against cancers. It is good for peptic cancers.

For Heart
It contains andinocine which stops blood clotting and regulates blood circulation. It reduces the risks of stroke and heart attack. It contains enough potassium which regulates the blood pressure and heartbeat. The beta carotene in it reduces the risks of heart problems and repairs the cells of the heart. It helps in diabetes and in cardiovascular problems.

Best in Diabetes
It helps in diabetes and regulates blood sugar.

Skin Care
The sufficient amount of cologane in it imparts extra glow to skin especially the dry and lifeless skin. The water contents in watermelon maintain the skin moisture. Gently rub a small slice of watermelon to increase the facial glow. The lycopene in watermelon keeps the skin healthy and young.


It contains antioxidants and helps the body to remove the toxins. The regular intake of watermelon is very helpful for kidney functions. When taken with lemon it alleviates the problems associated with increase of uric acid. 

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