Monday, 28 May 2018

An Egg a Day Keeps Heart Diseases at Bay

The inclusion of eggs in regular diet keeps the heart healthy.

It has been proved in a recent research that eating 12 eggs a week reduces the dangers of heart-related disease among the patient of pre-diabetes and type- 2 diabetes. The eggs contain proteins and 9 other amino acids. It also contains a nutrient called lutein, which keeps the brain healthy.
Wikimedia Commons by ZabMilenko

A research has found that the daily intake of an egg reduces the risks of heart-related diseases by 12%.

A research was conducted for 9 years on Chinese people within the age group of 30 to 79 years. It was found that the danger of heart diseases was less among those who ate an egg a day as compared to those who did not do so.

The British- Chinese research team the risks of brain haemorrhage was 26% less among those eating an egg a day.

And the risks of death due to heart diseases were 18% less among the daily egg eating category.

According to WHO, the annual death toll throughout the world due to heart diseases is 17.7 Million? The chief reasons for which are smoking, fast food, lack of exercises and insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables in the regular diet.  

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Tomato Juice for Cancer

Besides imparting color to the cooked food, tomatoes enhance the taste of the food and are used as a salad, juice, soup, and ketchup. The daily intake of either the tomatoes or tomato juice helps in several health problems.
Wikimedia Commons by MartinThoma
The tomato juice help in acidity, obesity and weak eyesight as it contains rich amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C.
It is advisable to include the tomato juice into a regular diet chart. Peel to tomatoes before extracting the juice of tomatoes.
Here are the few benefits of tomato juice.

1. Cancer
The tomato juice contains nutrients like antioxidants, folic acid, beta-carotene, etc., which help to retard the growth of the cancer cells. It has been found that the daily intake of tomato juice reduces the cancer risks by 18%.

2. Eyesight
The daily intake of a glass of tomato juice improves the vision. It has been found that the daily intake of two glasses of tomato juice for few months helps to even get rid of specks.

3. Liver Detox
Tomato juice detoxifies the liver and removes all the toxic substances from the body. It helps to keep the liver and the bile healthy. It saves the body from the damages caused by the presence of free radicals. 

4. Heart Diseases
The tomato juice is very beneficial for the health of the heart due to the presence of fiber, potassium, vitamin C and cologne in it. The daily intake of a glass of tomato juice saves from heart diseases on one hand and reduces the levels of cholesterol on the other.

5. Health of Intestines
The tomato juice removes the toxic substances from the intestines and increases the presence of lactobacillus. Thus it increases the immune system and helps in the proper assimilation of nutrients from the intestines.

6. Strong Bones
The intake of tomato juice helps in the strengthening of bones. It is very beneficial in osteoporosis. It is due to the presence of lycopene in the tomato juice.