The proper diet and regular exercises are necessary for health, but the delicate and fragrant flowers are also helpful. They contain several proteins, nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals like calcium and iron. They naturally supplement the deficiencies, increase the immune system and fight against several diseases. The hibiscus flower comes in the top of this list.
The beautiful flowers of hibiscus are also known as rose mallow and Kusum. They are full of several health benefits and are used in hair oils and traditional medicines. The white hibiscus and red hibiscus called Hibiscus rosa-sinensis belong to the family of cocoa, cotton, okra or lady finger. The prospective brides in Hawaii adorn the hair with hibiscus flower as a symbol to be courted.
This very common flower appears in different colors like white, red, yellow, pink and violet etc., but the red one is generally used in traditional medicines. The dry hibiscus powder is also available in the market.
The hibiscus flowers contain fats, fiber, vitamin C and minerals like calcium and iron.
It is used in various herbal medicines. It helps in diabetes, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, throat infections and eye inflammation,
Uses of Hibiscus
It has several medicinal uses and is very beneficial for helath.
Herbal Tea
The extract of the leaves of hibiscus has similar effects like green tea and red wine. The edible flower is used in foods and the petals are used in herbal tea. The herbal tea of the petals of hibiscus is a health tonic and helps in fever, cold, flu throat pain and cough. It reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Hair care
The petals and leaves are used to make natural shampoo and conditioner to get soft, silky and shiny hair. Blend few fresh petals of the red hibiscus flowers in water by avoiding the stamen and green leaves and apply the paste on roots of the hair. Rinse off after drying to get a beautiful shade especially in the dark hair.
The flowers are boiled in oil along with Indian gooseberries and Shika kai or Acacia concinna to prepare the hair oil.
The application of the paste of flowers and leaves stops hair falling and dandruff.
The roots of the plant are also used for hair loss or hair graying.
Boil the flowers of hibiscus in water and apply the paste on hair to stop hair loss or baldness and to get soft and silky hair.
Skin Care
It removes pimples, boils, and abscesses from the skin. The paste of boiled petals of red hibiscus flower and a little honey removes the pimples and provide an extra glow to the face.
The intake of a tablespoon of the powder of dry petals twice a day with a cup of sweet milk helps in memory loss and nervous system.
Mouth Ulcers
The chewing of the leaves of hibiscus flower helps in mouth ulcers.
Kidneys- The juice of hibiscus flower is taken to improve the kidney functions and increase the urine flow.
The flower extract of hibiscus reduced the cholesterol levels in rats.
The dry powder of hibiscus flowers, if taken with milk helps in anemia.
Arthritis- The daily intake of a hibiscus bud leaving the green part helps in the movement of joints by providing required lubrication.
The intake of hibiscus flowers alleviates stress.
Digestion and Heart
The juice or jam of hibiscus flower improves digestion and makes the heart muscles strong and healthy.
The flowers act as an antioxidant and are the best for respiratory disorders.
Further Reading- Home remedies for white hair to turn black without dye
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The Hibiscus Flower Photo Credit- Wikimedia commons by Arivumathi |
The beautiful flowers of hibiscus are also known as rose mallow and Kusum. They are full of several health benefits and are used in hair oils and traditional medicines. The white hibiscus and red hibiscus called Hibiscus rosa-sinensis belong to the family of cocoa, cotton, okra or lady finger. The prospective brides in Hawaii adorn the hair with hibiscus flower as a symbol to be courted.
This very common flower appears in different colors like white, red, yellow, pink and violet etc., but the red one is generally used in traditional medicines. The dry hibiscus powder is also available in the market.
The hibiscus flowers contain fats, fiber, vitamin C and minerals like calcium and iron.
It is used in various herbal medicines. It helps in diabetes, increased cholesterol, high blood pressure, throat infections and eye inflammation,
Uses of Hibiscus
It has several medicinal uses and is very beneficial for helath.
Herbal Tea
The extract of the leaves of hibiscus has similar effects like green tea and red wine. The edible flower is used in foods and the petals are used in herbal tea. The herbal tea of the petals of hibiscus is a health tonic and helps in fever, cold, flu throat pain and cough. It reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Hair care
The petals and leaves are used to make natural shampoo and conditioner to get soft, silky and shiny hair. Blend few fresh petals of the red hibiscus flowers in water by avoiding the stamen and green leaves and apply the paste on roots of the hair. Rinse off after drying to get a beautiful shade especially in the dark hair.
The flowers are boiled in oil along with Indian gooseberries and Shika kai or Acacia concinna to prepare the hair oil.
The application of the paste of flowers and leaves stops hair falling and dandruff.
The roots of the plant are also used for hair loss or hair graying.
Boil the flowers of hibiscus in water and apply the paste on hair to stop hair loss or baldness and to get soft and silky hair.
Skin Care
It removes pimples, boils, and abscesses from the skin. The paste of boiled petals of red hibiscus flower and a little honey removes the pimples and provide an extra glow to the face.
The intake of a tablespoon of the powder of dry petals twice a day with a cup of sweet milk helps in memory loss and nervous system.
Mouth Ulcers
The chewing of the leaves of hibiscus flower helps in mouth ulcers.
Kidneys- The juice of hibiscus flower is taken to improve the kidney functions and increase the urine flow.
The flower extract of hibiscus reduced the cholesterol levels in rats.
The dry powder of hibiscus flowers, if taken with milk helps in anemia.
Arthritis- The daily intake of a hibiscus bud leaving the green part helps in the movement of joints by providing required lubrication.
The intake of hibiscus flowers alleviates stress.
Digestion and Heart
The juice or jam of hibiscus flower improves digestion and makes the heart muscles strong and healthy.
The flowers act as an antioxidant and are the best for respiratory disorders.
Further Reading- Home remedies for white hair to turn black without dye
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